Cabo De Hornos, Chile

Cabo De Hornos, Chile

Our mission at GSS


At GSS we are committed to delivering exceptional stories that feature scientists and their remarkable accomplishments. GSS was started by Daniel Amaya, who began his scientific career as a Neuroscientist in Brisbane, Australia. He has since travelled and worked in many places around the world. Daniel’s passion for scientific research and adventure made for a great combination to start GSS, as a unique way to highlight scientific research in remote and adventurous regions on our planet. GSS is a platform where we share stories of the people behind the research and together help better understand what drives them to these remotes places. We follow scientific expeditions around the world and also delve into the lives of the people, and culture of these regions. Our approach is simple, tell us your stories and we'll share it with the world. GSS is an ever-expanding avenue that we aspire to fill with experiences and knowledge.

Global Scope Scientific shares stories on a spectrum of scientific disciplines, and more specifically on the scientists involved. We are interested in your story and so we encourage you to contact us if you believe your story fits our scope.